Friday, May 29, 2015

Recap of May!

I saw this post from another blog, and I thought it would be a great way to share with you, what I am up to. Although it says What's up Wednesday, I think I will be doing it in reference to the current month. 

What I'm eating this week...

I have been eating a lot of chocolate, chocolate covered almonds, chocolate brownies and marble cake!

What I'm reminiscing about...

High school life, and simpler times. When I was in high school, I could not wait to grow up... now that I am older, I wish I had listen to those wise words and cherished the simple life.

What I'm loving...

This is a tough one for me... I currently have a lot of down time on my hands, so I have been researching so many things to fill my time. I guess I will have to say that I am loving the internet and the ease of finding/researching information.

What I've been up to...

I just graduated from HBU with my MBA, and now I am thinking about law school or taking a tax course. At the same time, my new business is slowly up and running and I am a little worry about how to breakdown my tax responsibility. Although, I am slowly trying to teach myself to only worry about today and not the future or the past. I have also found myself slightly addicted to the stock market, looking at it ever day and counting my golden eggs before they hatch. So I hope to not look at my portfolio as often. 

What I'm dreading...

This summer, I will be going on my first mission trip to Zambia, Africa. I am really excited to see God's work, but I am not looking forward to the very long plane ride to get there. I usually take long flights once every 3 to 5 years but I just dread them to no extent. I guess you can say I have some sort of motion sickness but not really, I usually just sleep or close my eyes and pretend to sleep and I don't move from my seat.

What I'm working on...

I am trying to find more social things to do, such as finding a workout class or taking a tax prep class.

What I'm excited about...

I am excited about accomplishing my goals that I have set for May, keep an eye out for that post!

What I'm watching/reading...

Currently reading The Death Cure by James Dashner, it has taken me forever to finish this book. Right now, a lot of shows have already hit there season finale, so I have just started to watch The Messenger by CW, but I heard they have already been canceled after the 1st season. 

What I'm listening to...

YouTube, a Plan with Me video, not sure why.

What I'm wearing...

Jeans and lots of jeans, I actually altered a pair of jeans by myself and I am pretty proud of them! I have also been in love with my new TOMS, I use to have a black pair but I saw Sam's Club selling some, so I grabbed a pair of navy ones.

What I'm doing this weekend...

Today, I will be going to my brothers high school graduation, GO C/O 2015, GO Stangs!

What I'm looking forward to next month...

I am looking forward to new adventures and opportunities!

What else is new?

May is practically over, and I still haven't found a quote to fill my April calendar. You can find some of my previous quotes under #Sagacious. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Top Finds 5/22/2015

Its been a while since my last Top Finds, but I am back this week!

Meet Lily

She is a self-flying camera drone. How awesome is that?

Its like taking your Go Pro to the next level. Some downsides are it's battery length and price tag, but a couple of years from now, I believe that this technology will be more affordable.

Staying with the technology theme, meet Marbel

An electric skateboard. 

Again, similar downsides as Lily but such incredible technology. 

Next up... Fashion: The Tie Bar

My brother has recently gotten into to bow ties, and not the clip on's. He prefers the traditional self-tie. I agree, that the self-tied brings more of a unique look to a mans outfit. This company has been featured in numerous GQ magazines.

The sell a great section of regular ties and bow ties, my favorite are the conversational bow ties. I order some last night, but has some problems with the order... I think it was more of a PayPal issue. 
I will update you when I receive them.

Movies: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

The first movie, The Maze Runner, was awesome and I am currently reading The Death Cure. It has taken me a while to actually finish all the books, but I can not wait to see how the second movie turns out! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Advice to my younger self

As I go on to graduate from grad school, and as I watch my brother enjoy his senior year in high school, it has become a time of reflection for me. During the graduation season, everyone tends to reminisce of the good old days. When life was such a simple place.

The other night, I was watching some mothers give college advice to a graduating senior. This made me think of some advice that I would give to my younger self.

To the little girl from my grade school days:

  • Be mindful of who you hang out with and stay away from Christina, she's a bad influence. When I was in grade school, there was this girl who had an older sister, and she was very mature, in the sense of playing with makeup and like boys and talking back to teachers. When you are this young, just enjoy playing with your friends and keep in mind that you have no one to impress. 
  • Don't be a follower, try to be independent or even a leader!
  • Read more, practice your spelling, multiplication tables and reading time, you will thank me later.
  • Don't be scared to ask questions or to speak up. This will help you in the future, just remember to be polite and have manners. 

To the scared middle schooler:

At this point in my life, I had switched schools around 5th and 7th grade
  • PAY ATTENTION IN SCHOOL! (this will be a recurring theme)
  • Be more active and participate in sports.This is the time for you to try new sports and make new friends. 
  • Read more! (also another recurring theme)
  • Make friends, try talking first to others with an open mind and not to judge others. 
  • Stay in contact with your schoolmates, because as you get older, they can be handy and you might end up being good friends in the long run.
  • Hang out with your classmates out side of school, tell your parents its okay to have sleepovers.
  • Learn to be more out going and friendly, this will take you places kid.

To the lost girl in high school:

  • Go to that incoming freshman party, that is where you will meet new people and make new friends. Everyone is in the same position as you! You have a chance to make new opportunities and start fresh.
  • Get involved, be active in sports, join new clubs, and go to the football games.
  • Try out for the play your senior year, you will enjoy it.
  • The friends you make your freshman year will not be the same friends you hangout with your senior year
  • Don't judge others
  • If something doesn't feel right, odds are your right. Go with your gut feeling.
  • Having a boy friend isn't important. Also, know when its time to break up with your boyfriend and DO NOT go back!
  • Drink more water and be healthy
  • Join choir your freshman year, waking up early is worth all the trips and experiences you get to share with others when your older. Plus, you won't get to travel as much when your older. 
  • Be patient with your parents, they just want the best for you.
  • Do not compare yourself to others, no one benefits from that

To the lonely girl in college:

  • Do not, I repeat... DO NOT go home every weekend
  • Go to orientation
  • Get involved, and ask others what to expect in college.
  • Read more, and be studious. Trust me, this will help you in 3 to 5 years
  • Make friends in every class, this will help you when you miss class, or looking for a study buddy that has access to previous test and notes
  • Don't be afraid to make new friends
  • Keep in touch with your hall mates
  • Think about law school
  • Find a church to regularly attend and get involve
  • Plan to study abroad
  • Do not room with your friends, unless you are 100% happy with where you are living
  • Life will be tough, but you will make it
  • Put a little more effort into your outfits
Essentially the recurring theme is to make friends, don't be scared and study/pay attention in school. Wise words to live by! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Goals for May

When I was younger, I would be so excited when the month of May would roll around. It meant that school would be over and summer would begin! Now as an adult, May is just another month closer to the end of the year. Honestly, 2015 will be over before you know it. This month, I would like to place some goals in mind to accomplish by the end of May.

1. Be Nicer 

On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate myself a 4-5. I am not a completely rude person, but I do find myself being very impatient with people. Causing me to be mean to others, resulting in saying something that I would soon regret. I hope to be more patient, calm and understanding towards others. This will be tough, but I know in the long run, it will be very helpful.

2. Clean my Closet

I have a tendency to keep old cloths around, and stock pile new cloths in my closet. I really need to update my wardrobe to be more age appropriate. Although I am really struggling to find places to shop and to find good quality clothing at great prices.

3. Drink MORE Water

On average, I probably drink 1 glass of water a month. This is absolutely horrible! I am a very heavy soda drinker, Dr. Pepper is my water. I feel that drinking more water, it will also help me with my next goal. I think the best way to accomplish this goal is to start slow, maybe 1 glass and gradually increase to 3 by the end of May?

4. Be MORE Active

The last time I was truly active, would be middle school. I did go though a short, very short, period of time where I went running every day. I would run 3 miles a day for roughly a week. I would say, the main reason why I stopped running was due to a crazy strange man wandering around, also the summer heat is starting to settle in. I would really like to start running 3 miles a day again. I currently use the Nike+ app to track my runs. Hopefully today I will begin accomplish this goal!

Hopefully next month, I will be able to accomplish my goals and update everyone on my progress