I saw this post from another blog, and I thought it would be a great way to share with you, what I am up to. Although it says What's up Wednesday, I think I will be doing it in reference to the current month.
What I'm eating this week...
What I'm reminiscing about...
High school life, and simpler times. When I was in high school, I could not wait to grow up... now that I am older, I wish I had listen to those wise words and cherished the simple life.
What I'm loving...
This is a tough one for me... I currently have a lot of down time on my hands, so I have been researching so many things to fill my time. I guess I will have to say that I am loving the internet and the ease of finding/researching information.
This is a tough one for me... I currently have a lot of down time on my hands, so I have been researching so many things to fill my time. I guess I will have to say that I am loving the internet and the ease of finding/researching information.
What I've been up to...
I just graduated from HBU with my MBA, and now I am thinking about law school or taking a tax course. At the same time, my new business is slowly up and running and I am a little worry about how to breakdown my tax responsibility. Although, I am slowly trying to teach myself to only worry about today and not the future or the past. I have also found myself slightly addicted to the stock market, looking at it ever day and counting my golden eggs before they hatch. So I hope to not look at my portfolio as often.
What I'm dreading...
This summer, I will be going on my first mission trip to Zambia, Africa. I am really excited to see God's work, but I am not looking forward to the very long plane ride to get there. I usually take long flights once every 3 to 5 years but I just dread them to no extent. I guess you can say I have some sort of motion sickness but not really, I usually just sleep or close my eyes and pretend to sleep and I don't move from my seat.
This summer, I will be going on my first mission trip to Zambia, Africa. I am really excited to see God's work, but I am not looking forward to the very long plane ride to get there. I usually take long flights once every 3 to 5 years but I just dread them to no extent. I guess you can say I have some sort of motion sickness but not really, I usually just sleep or close my eyes and pretend to sleep and I don't move from my seat.
What I'm working on...
I am trying to find more social things to do, such as finding a workout class or taking a tax prep class.
What I'm excited about...
I am excited about accomplishing my goals that I have set for May, keep an eye out for that post!
What I'm watching/reading...
Currently reading The Death Cure by James Dashner, it has taken me forever to finish this book. Right now, a lot of shows have already hit there season finale, so I have just started to watch The Messenger by CW, but I heard they have already been canceled after the 1st season.
What I'm listening to...
YouTube, a Plan with Me video, not sure why.
YouTube, a Plan with Me video, not sure why.
What I'm wearing...
Jeans and lots of jeans, I actually altered a pair of jeans by myself and I am pretty proud of them! I have also been in love with my new TOMS, I use to have a black pair but I saw Sam's Club selling some, so I grabbed a pair of navy ones.
What I'm doing this weekend...
What I'm doing this weekend...
Today, I will be going to my brothers high school graduation, GO C/O 2015, GO Stangs!
What I'm looking forward to next month...
What else is new?